Depending on your browser, you can add to favourites or bookmarks from the menu

Open the menu, then click 'Add to Home screen'

Depending on your device, this may load straight to your app launcher

Open your browser menu, then click 'Add to Home screen', 'Bookmark' or 'Add to Favourites' depending on options available

Click the share button, then click 'Add to Home Screen'

Click the share button, then click 'Add to Home Screen'

Open the menu, then click 'Add to Bookmarks'

Depending on the particular SmartTV and browser you are using, you should be able to add to favourites or bookmarks from the menu

Open your browser menu, then click 'Add to Home screen'

The First Aid app



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Create Shortcut

Create Shortcut

Create Shortcut


Create Shortcut

Depending on the Android device and browser you are using, open the settings/options menu, then click 'Create Shortcut'
This is most likely at the top right of your screen


Create Shortcut

Create Shortcut


Create Shortcut

Create Shortcut


Click the share button, then click 'Add to Home Screen'